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You Are Worth More Than A Million Sparrows

Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

My dear encountered couples:

Jesus is trying to tell us there is not a moment that God takes his eyes off us. By that he does not mean God is watching us in the sense of spying in order to catch us doing something wrong. Jesus means there is not a moment God takes his protection from us, his care, his help, his love.

The Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity are with us, by us, in us, their arms enfold us at all times, always available to take care of our needs. Nothing happens to us that God does not know about and is in control of so that it works out for our good. But there is something we must realize. He never forces himself nor his assistance on anyone.

As parents who are conscientious and loving keep at least one eye on their children, though they might seem to be busy about many things, God keeps both his eyes on each and every one of us at all times. But as children can ignore their parents, refuse their helping hands and advice, we all can do the same to God. And run off our own ways doing our own things - which is a good answer to the question, “Why are we forever having so many problems?” We need not look to God to blame our troubles on. He is the solver of problems, we are the causes.

Are not two sparrows sold for next to nothing?” Jesus asks his apostles. “Yet not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. As for you,” he tells them, “every hair of your head has been counted; so do not be afraid of anything.”

You are worth more than an entire flock of sparrows. There is not a moment God does not keep his eyes on us. What we need to do more of is keep our eyes and our hearts fixed on him.

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