The Family Of God
Tuesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
My dear encountered couples:
A family is not just a group of people who are blood related or live in the same house. It is people who, in their diversity of talents, are of one mind and one heart. No one just sits around doing nothing and letting everyone else support and wait on him. They all do their bit.
All members of a family are expected to add their contribution in whatever way they can. It may be with the finances, the upkeep, the cleaning, the cooking, the repairs. One might mow the grass and trim the bushes, another vacuum the floors and wash the windows. Another keeps the car in good condition, while still another makes sure there is always enough food in the house. You get the point. Every member of a family is expected to have responsibilities and carry them out. Each is to do his and her part to achieve the goal of the family. Jesus is talking about those who wish to be members of the family of God.
“Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you,” Jesus was told. His answer was, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it.”
Blood relationship, religious or church affiliation just doesn’t make it with Christ. Those who want to be members of his family must be of one mind and one heart. And that one mind and heart are to be in line with the mind and heart of God, the Father of the family. We must seek and do our Father’s will as well as we can or we are just fooling ourselves if we think we are members of his family. As we all well know, being Catholic and Christian, even attending daily Masses, is not the all of it.
Membership in God’s family is an all day, every day, commitment to his will.