The Holy Spirit, Our Teacher
Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter
My dear encountered couples:
Since his resurrection Jesus had been with his apostles and disciples for about forty days, telling them and explaining to them many things they had not yet heard. He still hadn’t covered everything, but the time had come for him to leave them. He would be ascending into heaven. He promised to send them the Holy Spirit who would be their teacher and continue their lessons.
We have that same teacher. We should not allow ourselves to forget the Holy Spirit in us who is always trying to teach us and help us understand more about life and God. We should think of him and speak to him often, and, of course, listen to him.
How does one think of and listen to the Holy Spirit? We not only cannot see him, we cannot visualize him like we can God our Father and Jesus. Picturing him as a dove or a tongue of fire is not exactly helpful; in fact, it might be an obstacle.
But don’t worry about it. The humble person who realizes he does not know everything and wants to learn more will receive more and as much new knowledge and understanding as he can handle at any one time. The Holy Spirit will find a way to communicate his divine knowledge to every person who is willing and open to receive.
“I have much more to tell you,” Jesus said to his disciples, “but you cannot bear it now. When he comes, however, being the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” The Holy Spirit is your teacher. Try to keep your notebook handy.