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Nobody Loves Me

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

My dear encountered couples:

Nobody loves me! That’s a sorrow that many people in the world can be heard giving voice to. Even people who are surrounded by friends and family who admire and esteem them can be heard saying, “Nobody loves me.” Is what they say possibly true, do the people in their lives who seem to love them really don’t, they are merely pretending? Or is it that those who feel unloved just don’t consider themselves lovable and therefore can’t understand how anybody, even God - especially God - could love them?

All of us, each of us, everybody ever created and placed in this world is, without exception, loved with a passion by someone who can make his love change and brighten the lives of anyone who will accept it. I am speaking, of course, of Jesus Christ.

We all want to be loved. Today is the day of the year we are reminded that we are. This is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: A heart that is all yours, all mine, that is large enough to belong to everyone without any of us being slighted.

Maybe we want Jesus all to ourselves, his love to be privately ours, exclusively ours, with no one else getting a claim. We couldn’t handle it! No one person can handle all the love that is in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

There is so much there, it is so moving and filling and overpowering that we could not survive its passion if it were all ours. In Jesus there is more than enough love for everybody ever created.

Nobody loves me!” You and I cannot in all honesty say that. But I wonder if Jesus can. Is there anybody among us who really and truly loves him?

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