Friday of the First Week of Lent

My dear encountered couples:
We all might know, certainly have heard of, people who are regular church goers, but who treat other people in very uncharitable ways. It may be a relative with whom there was a falling out or a neighbor who did something offensive. It may be a real grievance or an imagined one. Or it may even be an attitude that looks upon everyone as bothersome. To make up requires an apology, a forgiving, or a change in attitude – or all three.
Since this is Lent, we should get very serious about ourselves and our ways. Every Sunday, we attend Mass and offer our gift at the altar. What does Jesus say? “If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”
If we really listened to that, there would be a stampede to the door. But, no, we continue sitting – or we sit and I stand. None of us leaves. That would be too embarrassing. And if we leave the church after listening to what Jesus says, there would be no Mass. But later, let’s each of us give serious consideration to those words of Jesus.
Is there someone we should call, write to, or visit, and offer an apology or forgiveness?
Do we need a complete change in attitude towards others?
Let us be our own judge. Determine a solution, and try our best to remedy the situation.