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Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

My dear encountered couples:

The little things of life are very important. Many people think their lives are ho-hum and ordinary. That nothing they do is of much or any value. They get up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, watch TV, check the internet, go to bed. Then do it all over again the next day. I do hope there is more to people’s lives than that. But even if that is pretty much the way it is with us; our lives can be given a value and quality of the highest order.

St. Paul tells us how: “Whether you eat or drink - whatever you do - you should do all for the glory of God.” That means that when we brush our teeth, when we butter our bread, when we mow the grass, wash our car, feed the dog or put out the cat, if we do it as an act of love for God it takes on everlasting, unlimited quality. Whatever good things we do anywhere, at any time - for God - becomes an act of the Son of God, it becomes Divine. That was the result of the Incarnation.

When the Son of God became Man, he fused divine nature to human. All that Jesus Christ, the God-Man ever did was done for his Father. When we agree to living as one with Christ and being obedient as he to God our Father, it is Jesus in us and with us doing whatever it is we are doing. Remember the morning offering? Do you still pray it? When you do, and when you mean what you say, it makes every thought, word, and deed of your day actions done for God.

“O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in union with the holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world.”

Great prayer to begin the day with! Compose your own as you wish. And it is good to remind yourself and God of your intention by repeating it several times a day.

“Whether you eat or drink - whatever you do - you should do all for the glory of God.” SO BE IT!

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